My only writing ritual is to shave my head bald between writing the first and second drafts of a book. If I can throw away all my hair, then I have the freedom to trash any part of the book on the next rewrite. Chuck Palahniuk View this quote
My only writing ritual is to shave my head bald between writing the first and second drafts of a book. If I can throw away all my hair, then I have the freedom to trash any part of the book on the next rewrite. Chuck Palahniuk
Chuck Palahniuk
If I ever wrote a book on preaching, it would contain three words: Preach the word. Get rid of all the other stuff that gets you sidetracked; preach the word. Chuck Swindoll
Chuck Swindoll
In the futile attempts we all make to tidy up our lives and our surroundings, nothing is more difficult than throwing out a book. Andy Rooney
Andy Rooney
I still have my unemployment books and I remember when I worked for the sanitation department and the post office. Denzel Washington
Denzel Washington
I’m an author. And writers write books. And writing books is a full-time career. Marianne Williamson
Marianne Williamson
We want to make sure children aren’t left without any books. We want to make sure our children have the books, that they have a place in the castle. We want to make sure that their mothers have affordable day care. We want to make sure we give the older people the care that they need. Arnold Schwarzenegger
Arnold Schwarzenegger
I wrote my first book when I was in my late thirties. Malcolm Gladwell
Malcolm Gladwell
It is with books as with men: a very small number play a great part. Voltaire
The profession of book writing makes horse racing seem like a solid, stable business. John Steinbeck
John Steinbeck
Still, I strongly resisted the idea of offering up my past in a book, a past that left me feeling exposed, even slightly ashamed. Barack Obama
Barack Obama