A ‘classic’ is a book that everybody praises but nobody has read. Mark Twain View this quote
A ‘classic’ is a book that everybody praises but nobody has read. Mark Twain
Mark Twain
For a highly motivated learner, it’s not like knowledge is secret and somehow the Internet made it not secret. It just made knowledge easy to find. If you’re a motivated enough learner, books are pretty good. Bill Gates
Bill Gates
A broad margin of leisure is as beautiful in a man’s life as in a book. Haste makes waste, no less in life than in housekeeping. Keep the time, observe the hours of the universe, not of the cars. Henry David Thoreau
Henry David Thoreau
I never have written every day. When I’m writing a book, I write Monday through Friday. I always try to take Saturday and pretend to have some sanity. Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou
Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed there are many rewards, if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book. Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan
I know that books seem like the ultimate thing that’s made by one person, but that’s not true. Every reading of a book is a collaboration between the reader and the writer who are making the story up together. John Green
John Green
I like to build places online where readers can have productive conversations about books. John Green
Books are immortal sons deifying their sires. Plato
If you are going to get anywhere in life you have to read a lot of books. Roald Dahl
Roald Dahl
I read a lot of obscure books and it is nice to open a book. Bill Gates