The only people who get paid what they’re worth are people who don’t follow the instruction book, who create art, who are innovative, who work without a map. Seth Godin View this quote
The only people who get paid what they’re worth are people who don’t follow the instruction book, who create art, who are innovative, who work without a map. Seth Godin
Seth Godin
Read the best books first, or you may not have a chance to read them at all. Henry David Thoreau
Henry David Thoreau
The only reason to buy a paper book any longer is to own it and cherish it and remember it and tell a story about it. Seth Godin
As far as I knew white women were never lonely, except in books. White men adored them, Black men desired them and Black women worked for them. Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou
A precondition for reading good books is not reading bad ones: for life is short. Arthur Schopenhauer
Arthur Schopenhauer
As long as your intentions are solid and about growth and progression and being productive and not being idle, then you’re doing good in my book. Frank Ocean
Frank Ocean
All the creativity books in the world aren’t going to help you if you’re unwilling to have lousy, lame, and even dangerously bad ideas. Seth Godin
Pay attention to what’s happening around you. Read the book before you see the movie. Remember, though you, alone, are responsible for your own happiness, its still okay to feel responsible for someone else’s. Live and to learn. Michael J. Fox
Michael J. Fox
A day out-of-doors, someone I loved to talk with, a good book and some simple food and music – that would be rest. Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt
A great thing is a great book; but a greater thing than all is the talk of a great man. Benjamin Disraeli
Benjamin Disraeli