Rule books tell people what to do. Frameworks guide people how to act. Rule books insist on discipline. Frameworks allow for creativity. Simon Sinek View this quote
Rule books tell people what to do. Frameworks guide people how to act. Rule books insist on discipline. Frameworks allow for creativity. Simon Sinek
Simon Sinek
There is no mistaking a real book when one meets it. It is like falling in love. Christopher Morley
Christopher Morley
Do not believe a thing because you read it in a book! Do not believe a thing because another has said it so! Find out the truth for yourself. William E. Vaughan
William E. Vaughan
Books are for nothing but to inspire Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ralph Waldo Emerson
All great books contain boring portions, and all great lives have contained uninteresting stretches. Bertrand Russell
Bertrand Russell
Books are not men and yet they stay alive. Henry Ward Beecher
Henry Ward Beecher
And although she was sometimes dissatisfied with herself, she felt unable to go beyond her own limitations. Books were safer. Paulo Coelho
Paulo Coelho
Just as money is not real, consumable wealth, books are not life. To idolize scriptures is like eating paper currency. Alan Watts
Alan Watts
Whether I’m at the office, at home, or on the road, I always have a stack of books I’m looking forward to reading. Bill Gates
Bill Gates
There is no friend as loyal as a book. Ernest Hemingway
Ernest Hemingway