80% of life is showing up. Woody Allen View this quote
Also know as Heywood Allen
My mother never had time for me. When you’re the middle child in a family of five million, you don’t get any attention. Woody Allen
Woody Allen
My one regret in life is that I am not someone else. Woody Allen
My parents stayed together for forty years. But that was out of spite. Woody Allen
My relationship with American audiences is the exact same as it always has been. They never came to see my films, and they don’t come now. Woody Allen
My success has allowed me to strike out with a higher class of women. Woody Allen
New York is my home and I have a particular fondness for it. I think it’s a place where you can generate any kind of story wonderfully. But I also would be very happy to make a film in Paris or Rome. Woody Allen
No matter what the shrinks, or the pundits, or the self-help books tell you, when it comes to love, it’s luck. Woody Allen
No one ever wants the whole script. I give the whole script to people who require the whole script but to those people who don’t require the whole script I don’t give it to them and no one cares. They’re relieved not to have to read extra pages that they’re not in. Woody Allen
No work of art can compare to a city. Woody Allen
No, I don’t think you’re paranoid. I think you’re the opposite of paranoid. I think you walk around with the insane delusion that people like you. Woody Allen
American screenwriter, director, actor, comedian, author, playwright, and musician
December 1st, 1935