80% of life is showing up. Woody Allen View this quote
Also know as Heywood Allen
I’m twelve years old. I run into a synagogue. I ask the rabbi the meaning of life. He tells me the meaning of life but he tells it to me in Hebrew. I don’t understand Hebrew. Then he wants to charge me $600 for Hebrew lessons. Woody Allen
Woody Allen
I’m very proud of my gold pocket watch. My grandfather, on his deathbed, sold me this watch. Woody Allen
I’ve always been interested in being in other people’s movies. I never get any offers. Woody Allen
I’ve always been lucky in casting. The trick in casting is to hire great people, and let them do what they do, don’t interfere with them too much. And then when they’re great, take credit for it in the end. Woody Allen
I’ve always believed that thoughtful people don’t really take the tabloids seriously. They’re basically a form of entertainment. I enjoy them as much as the next New Yorker. Woody Allen
I’ve always had an easy time directing actors because I always hire ones that are great before I get my hands on them. Woody Allen
I’ve become the person I’ve always hated, but I’m happier. Woody Allen
I’ve been escaping my whole life. Since I was a little child, I escaped into the movies on the other side as an audience member. I escaped by going into the movies and sitting in the movies all day long. Woody Allen
I’ve been lucky because my films have consistently made a profit, almost all of them have made a profit. Never a huge profit, but nobody gets hurt. And therefore I get a lot of freedom. Woody Allen
I’ve gained no wisdom, no insight, no mellowing. I would make all the same mistakes again, today. Woody Allen
American screenwriter, director, actor, comedian, author, playwright, and musician
December 1st, 1935