Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. Winston Churchill View this quote
A man who gets the reputation of rising at dawn can sleep to noon. Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill
A prisoner of war is a man who tries to kill you and fails, and then asks you not to kill him. Winston Churchill
A state of society where men may not speak their minds cannot long endure. Winston Churchill
A vocabulary of truth and simplicity will be of service throughout your life. Winston Churchill
A world united is better than a world divided, but a world divided is better than a world destroyed. Winston Churchill
Achievement is not last, disappointment is not deadly: It is the mettle to proceed with that matters. Winston Churchill
Advertising mourishes the consuming power of men. It sets up before a man the goal of a better home, better clothing, better food for himself and his family. It spurs individual exertion and greater production. Winston Churchill
All of the great empires of the future will be empires of the mind. Winston Churchill
All the greatest things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: Freedom; Justice; Honour; Duty; Mercy; Hope. Winston Churchill
Although prepared for martyrdom, I preferred that it be postponed. Winston Churchill
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
November 30th, 1874 - January 24th, 1965