Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. Winston Churchill View this quote
I am not sure I should have dared to start; but I am sure that I should not have dared to stop. Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill
I am not the man I was. I could not be Prime Minister now. Winston Churchill
I am now going to say something that will astonish you. The first step in the recreation of the European family must be the partnership between France and Germany. Winston Churchill
I am now nearing the end of my journey. I hope I still have some services to render. However that may be and whatever may befall, I am sure I shall never forget the emotions of this day or be able to express my gratitude to those colleagues and companions with whom I have lived for this superb honour they have done me. Winston Churchill
I am reminded of the professor who, in his declining hours, was asked by his devoted pupils for his final counsel. He replied, ‘Verify your quotations.’ Winston Churchill
I am sorry to have made such a long speech, but I did not have time to write a shorter one. Winston Churchill
I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes. Winston Churchill
I am weary of a task which is done and I hope I shall not shrink when the aftermath ends. My only wish is to live peacefully out the remaining years – if years they be. Winston Churchill
I am your servant, and you have the right to dismiss me when you please. What you have no right to do is ask me to bear responsibility without the power of action. Winston Churchill
I cannot but think we have much to be thankful for, and more still to hope for in the future. Winston Churchill
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
November 30th, 1874 - January 24th, 1965