Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. Winston Churchill View this quote
When you feel you cannot continue in your position for another minute, and all that is in human power has been done, that is the moment when the enemy is most exhausted, and when one step forward will give you the fruits of the struggle you have borne. Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill
Where my reason, imagination or interest were not engaged, I would not or I could not learn. Winston Churchill
Without execution, thinking is mere idleness. Winston Churchill
You create your own universe as you go along. The stronger your imagination, the more variegated your universe. When you leave off dreaming, the universe ceases to exist. Winston Churchill
You do your worst, and we’ll do our best. Winston Churchill
You may always walk with the Devil till you get to the end of the bridge. Winston Churchill
You must look at facts, because they look at you. Winston Churchill
You must put your head into the lion’s mouth if the performance is to be a success. Winston Churchill
…everyone has his day, and some days last longer than others. Winston Churchill
I doubt whether anyone feels greater sorrow or pain than those who are responsible for the general conduct of our affairs. Winston Churchill
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
November 30th, 1874 - January 24th, 1965