There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so. William Shakespeare View this quote
Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie. William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare
Out of my lean and low ability I’ll lend you something. William Shakespeare
Pardon’s the word to all. William Shakespeare
People usually are the happiest at home. William Shakespeare
Pity is the virtue of the law, and none but tyrants use it cruelly. William Shakespeare
Poor and content is rich, and rich enough. William Shakespeare
Pour the sweet milk of concord into hell, uproar the universal peace, confound all unity on earth. William Shakespeare
Praise us as we are tasted, allow us as we prove. William Shakespeare
Praising what is lost makes the remembrance dear. William Shakespeare
Pray you now, forget and forgive. William Shakespeare
English playwright and poet
April 23rd, 1564 - April 23rd, 1616