There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so. William Shakespeare View this quote
No legacy is so rich as honesty. William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare
No, I will be the pattern of all patience; I will say nothing. William Shakespeare
Nothing emboldens sin so much as mercy. William Shakespeare
Now good digestion wait on appetite, and health on both! William Shakespeare
Now is the winter of our discontent. William Shakespeare
Now join hands, and with your hands your hearts. William Shakespeare
O thou invisible spirit of wine, if thou hast no name to be known by, let us call thee devil. William Shakespeare
O, beware, my lord, of jealousy; It is the green-ey’d monster, which doth mock The meat it feeds on. William Shakespeare
O, full of scorpions is my mind! William Shakespeare
O, had I but followed the arts! William Shakespeare
English playwright and poet
April 23rd, 1564 - April 23rd, 1616