If you are trying to get out of the hole, stop digging. Will Rogers View this quote
Every time somebody has thought of relief for the farmer it has been to make it so he could borrow more money. What he needs is some way to pay back. Not some way to borrow more. Will Rogers
Will Rogers
Every time we have an election, we get in worse men and the country keeps right on going. Times have proven only one thing and that is you can’t ruin this country even with politics. Will Rogers
Every war has been preceded by a peace conference. That’s what always starts the next war. Will Rogers
Everybody in Washington seems to be apologizing to each other. In Washington they just generally figure that one hatred offsets the other and they are both even. Will Rogers
Everybody is excited over who will win the election in Chicago. The side with the most machine guns will win it. Will Rogers
Everybody likes to hear it straight from the boss, even if you are going to get fired. Will Rogers
Everybody nowadays is suggesting ways of getting prosperous on somebody else’s money. Will Rogers
Everyone wants to vote for the best and most qualified man, but he never runs for office. Will Rogers
Everything is changing. People are taking their comedians seriously and the politicians as a joke. Will Rogers
Fanatical religion driven to a certain point is almost as bad as none at all, but not quite. Will Rogers
American humorist and entertainer
November 4th, 1879 - August 15th, 1935