Don’t settle for less than is possible. Tom Peters View this quote
Far too many managers have lost sight of the basics, in our opinion: quick action, service to customers, practical innovation, and the fact that you can’t get any of these without virtually everyone’s commitment. Tom Peters
Tom Peters
Give a lot, expect a lot, and if you don’t get it, prune. Tom Peters
Good managers have a bias for action. Tom Peters
Had Twitter been invented earlier, my books would have been shorter. Tom Peters
I am my clients. I am defined by who I do business with. Tom Peters
I believe in the age of the Internet, Facebook and Twitter, that relationships are everything. Tom Peters
I don’t want an epitaph on my gravestone that says, ‘He would have pursued some big dreams in his life, but other people wouldn’t let him. Tom Peters
I know it sounds crazy, but you’ve got to let what you’re going to do find you, rather than you pursuing it. Tom Peters
I still read quite a few printed books, but if something is available in digital format I do not print it before I read it. Tom Peters
I think it’s wonderful to save the world, but you need to be part of the world, too. Tom Peters
American writer on business management practices
November 7th, 1942