Don’t settle for less than is possible. Tom Peters View this quote
You are who you go to lunch with! Break bread with cool and you will become more cool. Conversely: break bread with dull and well, you can figure it out. Tom Peters
Tom Peters
You can only improve what you measure. Tom Peters
You can’t think your way out of a box; you’ve got to act. Tom Peters
Your calendar never lies. All we have is our time. The way we spend our time is our priorities, is our strategy. Your calendar knows what you really care about. Do you? Tom Peters
A completely free library is as rare as a truly free lunch. Tom Peters
All business success rests on something labeled a sale, which at least momentarily weds company and customer. Tom Peters
Almost all quality improvement comes via simplification of design, manufacturing… layout, processes, and procedures. Tom Peters
An ability to embrace new ideas, routinely challenge old ones, and live with paradox will be the effective leader’s premier trait. Tom Peters
Anybody who is an entrepreneur is a person who essentially has impaired judgment. The odds of success are zilch. Tom Peters
As a consumer, you want to associate with brands whose powerful presence creates a halo effect that rubs off on you. Tom Peters
American writer on business management practices
November 7th, 1942