Tomorrow becomes never. No matter how small the task, take the first step now! Tim Ferriss View this quote
Sometimes you need to go on a low-information diet. Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
The best results I have had in my life; the most enjoyable times, have all come from asking the simple question: ‘What is the worst that could happen?’ Tim Ferriss
The best way to counter-attack a hater is to make it blatantly obvious that their attack has had no impact on you. Tim Ferriss
The biggest misconception about work is that you need to spend the majority of your time doing it. Tim Ferriss
The brain is where most people really screw up. Tim Ferriss
The most important actions are never comfortable. Tim Ferriss
The opposite of love is indifference, and the opposite of happiness is boredom. Tim Ferriss
The options are limitless, but each path begins with the same first step: replacing assumptions. Tim Ferriss
The problem with New Year’s resolutions – and resolutions to ‘get in better shape’ in general, which are very amorphous – is that people try to adopt too many behavioral changes at once. It doesn’t work. I don’t care if you’re a world-class CEO – you’ll quit. Tim Ferriss
There are two components that are fundamental to enjoy life and feel good about yourself: continual learning and service. Tim Ferriss
American author, entrepreneur, angel investor and public speaker
July 20th, 1977