A candle loses nothing when it lights another candle. Thomas Jefferson View this quote
None but an armed nation can dispense with a standing army. To keep ours armed and disciplined is therefore at all times important. Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
Not less than two hours a day should be devoted to exercise. Thomas Jefferson
Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle. Thomas Jefferson
Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free. Thomas Jefferson
Nothing is troublesome that we do willingly. Thomas Jefferson
Nothing is unchangeable but the inherent and unalienable rights of man. Thomas Jefferson
Nothing was or is farther from my intentions, than to enlist myself as the champion of a fixed opinion, where I have only expressed doubt. Thomas Jefferson
Of all machines, the human heart is the most complicated and inexplicable. Thomas Jefferson
One loves to possess arms, though they hope never to have occasion for them. Thomas Jefferson
One man with courage is a majority. Thomas Jefferson
3rd President of the United States of America
April 13th, 1743 - July 4th, 1826