Seek first to understand, then to be understood. Stephen Covey View this quote
Only as we keep an open communication with our deep inner life will we have the wisdom to make effective choices. Stephen Covey
Stephen Covey
Our greatest joy – and our greatest pain – comes in our relationships with others. Stephen Covey
Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us. Stephen Covey
Passion is the fire, enthusiasm and courage that an individual feels when she is doing something she loves while accomplishing worthy ends, something that satisfies her deepest needs. Stephen Covey
Peace of counscious is greater than peace of mind. Peace of mind is more externally oriented. Peace of consciousness is when you know you have been honest in all your business dealings. Stephen Covey
People and organizations don’t grow much without delegation and completed staff work because they are confined to the capacities of the boss and reflect both personal strengths and weaknesses. Stephen Covey
People and their managers are working so hard to be sure things are done right, that they have hardly have time to decide if they are doing the right things. Stephen Covey
People are your most valuable asset. Only people can be made to appreciate in value. Stephen Covey
People behave more on the basis of how they feel than how they think; unless there are good feelings between people, it is almost impossible to reason intelligently. Stephen Covey
People who end up with the good jobs are the proactive ones who are solutions to problems, not problems themselves, who seize the initiative to do whatever is necessary, consistent with correct principles, to get the job done. Stephen Covey
American educator, author, businessman and motivational speaker
October 24th, 1932 - July 16th, 2012