Our life always expresses the result of our dominant thoughts. Søren Kierkegaard View this quote
Also know as Søren Kierkegaard
Only by investing and speaking your vision with passion can the truth, one way or the other, finally penetrate the reluctance of the world. Søren Kierkegaard
Søren Kierkegaard
Only one deception is possible in the infinite sense, self-deception. Søren Kierkegaard
Only one human being recognized as one’s neighbour is necessary in order to cure a man of self-love. Søren Kierkegaard
Only the noble of heart are called to difficulty. Søren Kierkegaard
Only the person who is essentially capable of remaining silent is capable of speaking essentially. Søren Kierkegaard
People hardly ever make use of the freedom which they have, for example, freedom of thought; instead they demand freedom of speech as compensation. Søren Kierkegaard
Personality is only ripe when a man has made the truth his own. Søren Kierkegaard
Prayer is a silent surrendering of everything to God. Søren Kierkegaard
Purity of heart is to will one thing. Søren Kierkegaard
Repetition is the reality and the seriousness of life. Søren Kierkegaard
Danish philosopher and theologian, founder of Existentialism
May 5th, 1813 - November 11th, 1855