Think progress, not perfection. Ryan Holiday View this quote
We decide what story to tell ourselves. Or whether we will tell one at all. Ryan Holiday
Ryan Holiday
We often learn the hard way that our world is ruled by external factors. We don’t always get what is rightfully ours, even if we’ve earned it. Ryan Holiday
We only have so much energy for our work, for our relationships, for ourselves. A smart person understands this and guards it carefully. Meanwhile, idiots focus on marginal productivity hacks and gains while they leak out energy each passing day. Ryan Holiday
We’re all just humans, doing the best we can. We’re all just trying to survive, and in the process, inch the world forward a little bit. Ryan Holiday
Welcome to the power of perception. Applicable in each and every situation, impossible to obstruct. It can only be relinquished. Ryan Holiday
What is known can’t jerk us around unwittingly. Before anything can be resolved, the implicit must be made into the explicit. Ryan Holiday
When intelligent people read, they ask themselves a simple question: What do I plan to do with this information? Ryan Holiday
When work impedes on sleep, poor planning is to blame – not superior will power. Ryan Holiday
You know what the single worst marketing decision you can make is? Starting with a product nobody wants or nobody needs. Ryan Holiday
A critical test of any product: Does it have a purpose? Does it add value to the world? How will it improve the lives of the people who buy it? Ryan Holiday
June 16th, 1987