I believe the ability to think is blessed. If you can think about a situation, you can deal with it. The big struggle is to keep your head clear enough to think. Richard Pryor View this quote
A lie is profanity, a lie is the worst thing in the world. Art is the ability to tell the truth, especially about oneself. Richard Pryor
Richard Pryor
There’s nothing worse than being an aging young person. Richard Pryor
All humor is rooted in pain. Richard Pryor
Everyone carries around his own monsters. Richard Pryor
I believe in the institution of marriage, and I intend to keep trying till I get it right. Richard Pryor
I believe the ability to think is blessed. If you can think about a situation, you can deal with it. The big struggle is to keep your head clear enough to think. Richard Pryor
I never met anybody who said when they were a kid, ‘I wanna grow up and be a critic.’ Richard Pryor
There’s a thin line between to laugh with and to laugh at. Richard Pryor
Two things people throughout history have had in common are hatred and humor. I am proud that, like Mark Twain, I have been able to use humor to lessen people’s hatred. Richard Pryor
When you ain’t got no money, you gotta get an attitude. Richard Pryor
American stand-up comedian, actor, social critic, writer, and MC
December 1st, 1940 - December 10th, 2005