Vision without execution is delusion. The joy is in the results Peter Drucker View this quote
The tool user, provided the tool is made well, need not, and indeed should not, know anything about the tool. Peter Drucker
Peter Drucker
The truly important events on the outside are not the trends. They are changes in the trends. Peter Drucker
The ultimate resource in economic development is people. It is people, not capital or raw materials that develop an economy. Peter Drucker
The worker’s effectiveness is determined largely by the way he is being managed. Peter Drucker
The young knowledge worker whose job is too small to challenge and test his abilities either leaves or declines rapidly into premature middle age, soured, cynical, unproductive. Peter Drucker
There are an enormous number of managers who have retired on the job. Peter Drucker
There is a point of complexity beyond which a business is no longer manageable. Peter Drucker
There is only one valid definition of business purpose: to create a customer. Peter Drucker
To be a manager requires more than a title, a big office, and other outward symbols of rank. It requires competence and performance of a high order. Peter Drucker
To be effective, every knowledge worker, and especially every executive, therefore needs to dispose of time in fairly large chunks. To have small dribs and drabs of time at his disposal will not be sufficient even if the total is an impressive number of hours. Peter Drucker
American business consultant
November 19th, 1909 - November 11th, 2005