One day or day one. You decide. Paulo Coelho View this quote
Travelling is never a matter of money but of courage. Paulo Coelho
Paulo Coelho
True love allows each person to follow his or her own path, aware that doing so can never drive them apart. Paulo Coelho
Useful men, who do useful things, don’t mind being treated as useless. But the useless always judge themselves as being important and hide all their incompetence behind authority. Paulo Coelho
Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worst kind of suffering. Paulo Coelho
Walk neither faster nor slower than your own soul. Because it is your soul that will teach you the usefulness of each step you take. Paulo Coelho
We all have an unknown ability, which will probably remain unknown forever. And yet that ability can become our ally. Since it’s impossible to measure that ability or give it an economic value, it’s never taken seriously. Paulo Coelho
We are neither worse nor better than those who eye us critically. Paulo Coelho
We assume (falsely) that how we feel now is how we will feel in the future. Paulo Coelho
We don’t need to explain our love. We only need to show it. Paulo Coelho
We have to be humble enough to understand that there is something called mystery. Paulo Coelho
Brazilian lyricist and novelist
August 24th, 1947