Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence. Inaction is not only the result, but the cause, of fear. Norman Vincent Peale View this quote
Often we have no choice about doing things, but we can always choose how to do them. Norman Vincent Peale
Norman Vincent Peale
Old unhealthy thoughts can block off inspiration and motivation. Dropping them releases a strong flow of power through the mind. Norman Vincent Peale
One of the basic laws of human existence is: find yourself, know yourself, be yourself. Norman Vincent Peale
One of the few greatest satisfactions of this life is to handle problems efficiently and well. Norman Vincent Peale
One of the greatest moments in anybody’s developing experience is when he no longer tries to hide from himself but determines to get acquainted with himself as he really is. Norman Vincent Peale
One of the greatest of all principles is that men can do what they think they can do. Norman Vincent Peale
One of the simplest things about all facts of life is that to get where you want to go, you must keep on keeping on. Norman Vincent Peale
One person can make a difference. You don’t have to be a big shot. You don’t have to have a lot of influence. You just have to have faith in your power to change things. Norman Vincent Peale
One way to become enthusiastic is to look for the plus sign. To make progress in any difficult situation, you have to start with what’s right about it and build on that. Norman Vincent Peale
Only the believers pick up the prizes in life. Norman Vincent Peale
American writer
May 31st, 1898 - December 24th, 1993