Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence. Inaction is not only the result, but the cause, of fear. Norman Vincent Peale View this quote
Don’t tense up no matter what, for you only close off creative power when you do. Norman Vincent Peale
Norman Vincent Peale
Drop the idea that you are Atlas carrying the world on your shoulders. The world would go on even without you. Don’t take yourself so seriously. Norman Vincent Peale
Enthusiasm can only be aroused by two things; first, an ideal which takes the imagination by storm, and second, a definite intelligible plan for a carrying that ideal into practice. Norman Vincent Peale
Enthusiasm releases the drive to carry you over obstacles and adds significance to all you do. Norman Vincent Peale
Even if you may be down to the worst, the best is potentially within you. You only have to find it, release it, and rise up with it. This requires courage and character, to be sure, but the main requirement is faith. Cultivate faith and you will have the necessary courage and character. Norman Vincent Peale
Every night empty your mind of unhappy thoughts as you empty your pockets and come alive. Norman Vincent Peale
Every person, if he is to have mental health and live successfully, must move away from past failures and mistakes and go forward without letting them be a weight upon him. The art of forgetting is absolutely necessary. Norman Vincent Peale
Faith is the most powerful of all forces operating in humanity and when you have it in depth nothing can get you down. Norman Vincent Peale
Faith is the one power against which fear cannot stand. Day by day, as you fill your mind with faith, there will ultimately be no more room left for fear. This is the one great fact that no one should forget. Master faith and you will automatically master fear. Norman Vincent Peale
Fear can infect us early in life until eventually it cuts a deep groove of apprehension in all our thinking. To counteract it, let faith, hope and courage enter your thinking. Fear is strong, but faith is stronger yet. Norman Vincent Peale
American writer
May 31st, 1898 - December 24th, 1993