Don’t mistake the difficult for the impossible. Nido Qubein View this quote
People value authenticity, even ahead of charisma. Nido Qubein
Nido Qubein
People who are not challenged will not exert themselves to succeed. Nido Qubein
People who jump to conclusions rarely land in the middle of success. Nido Qubein
Position yourself as a person or company with solutions to problems people are worried about. Nido Qubein
Procrastination is a thief that robs you of money by stealing your time. Nido Qubein
Say what you mean, precisely what you mean, and only what you mean. Nido Qubein
Some people procrastinate so much that all they can do is run around like firefighters all day – putting out fires that should not have gotten started in the first place. Nido Qubein
Sometimes a problem that causes major difficulty may be the prod that triggers a vault to success. Nido Qubein
Success is finding and doing to the best of your ability, in each moment of your life. Nido Qubein
Successful people don’t avoid risks. They learn to manage them. Nido Qubein
American businessman