Don’t mistake the difficult for the impossible. Nido Qubein View this quote
Don’t let circumstances defeat you. Go out and create new circumstances. Nido Qubein
Nido Qubein
Don’t waste energy on things that don’t matter or over which you have no control. Nido Qubein
Don’t waste your time worrying about insignificant things; instead, focus your time on what you can achieve. Nido Qubein
Don’t think outside the box. Throw the box out the window and see where it takes you. Nido Qubein
Each of us has the freedom to choose how we will respond to the circumstances in which we find ourselves. Nido Qubein
Education needs to be a continuing, neverending process. Nido Qubein
Every minute is precious. Cherish it. Invest it. Use it to do more, grow more, give more, and be more. Nido Qubein
Find a purpose larger than you and invest yourself in it. You’ll be gratified at the return on life that it yields. Nido Qubein
Find a way to laugh and include it in your daily routine. People enjoy being around those who have a good sense of humor. Nido Qubein
Focus on fixing the problem, not the blame. Nido Qubein
American businessman