He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat. Napoleon View this quote
Also know as Napoleon Bonaparte
Throw off your worries when you throw off your clothes at night. Napoleon
To be believed make the truth unbelievable. Napoleon
To have a right estimate of a man’s character, we must see him in misfortune. Napoleon
You become strong by defying defeat and by turning loss into gain and failure to success. Napoleon
You must not fight too often with one enemy, or you will teach him all your art of war. Napoleon
A battle sometimes decides every thing, and sometimes the most trifling event decides the fate of a battle. Napoleon
A book in which there were no lies would be a curiosity. Napoleon
A celebrated people lose dignity upon a closer view. Napoleon
A faithful friend is the true image of the Deity. Napoleon
A fool is only troublesome, a pedant insupportable. Napoleon
French monarch, military and political leader
August 15th, 1769 - May 5th, 1821