Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve. Napoleon Hill View this quote
The most common cause of fear of old age is associated with the possibility of poverty. Napoleon Hill
Napoleon Hill
The most essential step in the marketing of personal services is that of selecting an occupation into which you can throw yourself wholeheartedly. Napoleon Hill
The most practical of all methods for controlling the mind is the habit of keeping it busy with a definite purpose, backed by a definite plan. Napoleon Hill
The one and only thing over which you have complete and total control is how you focus your own mind. Luckily, this determines everything else. Napoleon Hill
The only ‘break’ anyone can afford to rely upon is a self-made ‘break’. Napoleon Hill
The only limitation is that which one sets up in one’s own mind. Napoleon Hill
The person who works harder when the boss isn’t around is headed straight for a better job. Napoleon Hill
The possibilities of creative effort connected with the subconscious mind are stupendous and imponderable. They inspire one with awe. Napoleon Hill
The primary reason for failure is that people do not develop new plans to replace those plans that didn’t work. Napoleon Hill
The principle of going the extra mile is the master strategy of the entire philosophy, for it gets action. Napoleon Hill
American author
October 26th, 1883 - November 8th, 1970