Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve. Napoleon Hill View this quote
Set your target and keep trying until you hit it. Napoleon Hill
Napoleon Hill
Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle. Napoleon Hill
Success attracts success and failure attracts failure because of the law of harmonious attraction. Napoleon Hill
Success begins with a fellow’s will – It’s all in the state of mind. Napoleon Hill
Success comes through the application of power, and power is attained through the cooperative efforts of other people. A negative personality will not induce cooperation. Napoleon Hill
Success comes to those who become success conscious. Napoleon Hill
Success in life depends upon happiness, and happiness is found in no other way than through service that is rendered in a spirit of love. Napoleon Hill
Success is the development of the power with which to get whatever one wants in life without interfering with the rights of others. Napoleon Hill
Success is very largely a matter of adjusting one’s self to the ever-varying and changing environments of life, in a spirit of harmony and poise. Napoleon Hill
Success requires no explanations. Napoleon Hill
American author
October 26th, 1883 - November 8th, 1970