Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve. Napoleon Hill View this quote
Imagination judges the future by the past, but concerns itself with the future more than with the past. Napoleon Hill
Napoleon Hill
Indecision is the seedling of fear! Napoleon Hill
Indecision, doubt and fear. The members of this unholy trio are closely related; where one is found, the other two are close at hand. Napoleon Hill
Intelligent planning is essential for success in any undertaking designed to accumulate riches. Napoleon Hill
It has been said that man can create anything which he can imagine. Napoleon Hill
It is in quiet that our best ideas occur to us. Don’t make the mistake of believing that by a frantic kind of dashing around you are being your most effective and efficient self. Don’t assume that you are wasting time when you take time out for thought. Napoleon Hill
It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed. Napoleon Hill
It is most appalling to know that 95% of the people of the world are drifting aimlessly through life, without the slightest conception of the work for which they are best fitted, and with no conception whatsoever of even the need of such a thing as a definite objective toward which to strive. Napoleon Hill
It is one of the strangest anomalies of life that the absence of fear, and not formal education or brilliance of mind, is the major cause of individual success. Napoleon Hill
It isn’t defeat, but rather your mental attitude toward it, that whips you. Napoleon Hill
American author
October 26th, 1883 - November 8th, 1970