Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve. Napoleon Hill View this quote
If a man repeats a lie over and over, he will eventually accept the lie as truth. Moreover, he will believe it to be the truth. Napoleon Hill
Napoleon Hill
If it isn’t your job to do it, perhaps it is your opportunity. Napoleon Hill
If the thing you wish to do is right, and you believe in it, go ahead and do it! Napoleon Hill
If the winds of fortune are temporarily blowing against you, remember that you can harness them and make them carry you toward your definite purpose, through the use of your imagination. Napoleon Hill
If we sow the seeds of hatred and envy and discouragement in others, we, in turn, develop these qualities in ourselves. Napoleon Hill
If you are influenced by the opinions of others, you will have no desire of your own. Napoleon Hill
If you are really great, you will let others discover this fact from your actions. Napoleon Hill
If you can conceive something in your mind and believe it to be true, then you can achieve it. Napoleon Hill
If you can keep on trying after three failures in a given undertaking you may consider yourself a ‘suspect’ as a potential leader in your chosen occupation. If you can keep on trying after a dozen failures the seed of a genius is germinating within your soul. Napoleon Hill
If you can’t forgive, don’t ask to be forgiven. Napoleon Hill
American author
October 26th, 1883 - November 8th, 1970