You can begin to shape your own destiny by the attitude that you keep. Michael Beckwith View this quote
Our primordial purpose is to respond to the impulsion from within to solve the mystery of our individual existence, to find and be the authentic Self that is, has been and ever shall be. Michael Beckwith
Michael Beckwith
Our universe is not a ‘was’ or a ‘will be’ system. It is an ‘is’ system vibrating within the ‘now’ measurement of time. Michael Beckwith
There are laws of the universe and if you practice them they will respond to you. Michael Beckwith
Too many people are living in a prison that they have themselves manufactured. Michael Beckwith
When emotions arise, I don’t attempt to suppress or repress them, so that I can discern their basis or cause. Michael Beckwith
When you make genuine contact with your inner spirit, there is an inner joy, an inner peace, that takes over. Michael Beckwith
African American New Thought writer