It’s not in the dreaming, it’s in the doing. Mark Cuban View this quote
I had been in the technology business for so long, I had seen the PC-bubble come and burst, I had seen the local area and wide area networking-bubble come and burst, it was no shock that the internet-bubble was going to burst. Mark Cuban
Mark Cuban
I hate politics. It’s slimy. Any job where people pander for votes, I don’t like. The country has gotten so partisan that if you’re not on my side, you’re the enemy. The only thing I ever try to support is a third party, like Unity08. We need more parties and more choice. Mark Cuban
I have always been selling. I always had something going on. That was just my nature. Mark Cuban
I have done well enough financially that I don’t have to play 24 × 7 × 365. I can and have cut back to 18 × 7 × 365. Family first, now. Mark Cuban
I just started a business called HDNet. There never is one area that has a door open to everyone. Try to find an area with something you love to do and do it. It’s a lot easier to work hard and prepare when you love what you are doing. Mark Cuban
I know that I’m not perfect. While we all have our prejudices and bigotries, we have to learn that it’s an issue that we have to control, that it’s part of my responsibility as an entrepreneur to try to solve it, not just to kick the problem down the road. Mark Cuban
I rarely think the market is right. I believe non dividend stocks aren’t much more than baseball cards. They are worth what you can convince someone to pay for it. Mark Cuban
I think Amazon is the greatest start-up and the greatest company in the world. The way they are using new technologies is not just disrupting retail, it’s getting ready to disrupt everything. Mark Cuban
I think college is an absolute. In this world you have to learn how to learn and get in the habit of always wanting to learn. Some kids have that out of high school and may be able to do the college equivalent of home schooling. Most kids can’t. So I highly recommend going to college. Mark Cuban
I think one of the biggest curses in the U.S. is that we have only two political parties. Mark Cuban
American billionaire entrepreneur
July 31st, 1958