Most of the time, our limitations are self-imposed. Marcus Buckingham View this quote
Your strongest life is built through a continuous practice of designing moment by moment. Marcus Buckingham
Marcus Buckingham
Always work hard. Intensity clarifies. It creates not only momentum, but also the pressure you need to feel either friction, or fulfillment. Marcus Buckingham
As a general rule, people tend to do best what they enjoy doing most. Marcus Buckingham
Clarity is the preoccupation of the effective leader. If you do nothing else as a leader, be clear. Marcus Buckingham
Discover what you don’t like doing and stop doing it. Marcus Buckingham
Every time you make a rule you take away a choice, and choice, with all of its illuminating repercussions, is the fuel for learning. Marcus Buckingham
Focusing on strengths is the surest way to greater job satisfaction, team performance and organizational excellence. Marcus Buckingham
Gratitude is a creative act. You make more of what you’re grateful for. Marcus Buckingham
Great managers know they don’t have 10 salespeople working for them. They know they have 10 individuals working for them . A great manager is brilliant at spotting the unique differences that separate each person and then capitalizing on them. Marcus Buckingham
If we have to know without a doubt that the decisions we are making are the perfect ones, we risk never making any choices at all. Marcus Buckingham
British writer
January 11th, 1966