A man’s life is what his thoughts make of it. Marcus Aurelius View this quote
Nowhere can man find a quieter or more untroubled retreat than in his own soul. Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius
Our anger and annoyance are more detrimental to us than the things themselves which anger or annoy us. Marcus Aurelius
People exist for one another. Marcus Aurelius
People who labor all their lives but have no purpose to direct every thought and impulse toward are wasting their time-even when hard at work. Marcus Aurelius
Poverty is the mother of crime. Marcus Aurelius
Purge your mind of all aimless and idle thoughts, especially those that pry into the affairs of others or wish them ill. Marcus Aurelius
Put an end once and for all to this discussion of what a good person should be, and be one. Marcus Aurelius
Put from you the belief that ‘I have been wronged’, and with it will go the feeling. Reject your sense of injury, and the injury itself disappears. Marcus Aurelius
Put it out of the power of truth to give you an ill character. If anybody reports you not to be an honest man let your practice give him the lie. Marcus Aurelius
Receive the gifts of fortune without pride, and part with them without reluctance. Marcus Aurelius
Emperor of Ancient Rome
121 - 180AD