As I change my thoughts, the world around me changes. Louise Hay View this quote
Just because the years are passing doesn’t mean that the quality of our lives must automatically go downhill. Louise Hay
Louise Hay
Learning is making mistakes until our subconscious mind can put together the right pictures. Louise Hay
Let’s get back to loving our bodies and accepting them totally as they are. Louise Hay
Life always brings you what you need. Louise Hay
Life doesn’t judge us, but we judge ourselves. Life doesn’t criticize us, but we criticize ourselves. Life doesn’t abandon us, but we often abandon ourselves. Louise Hay
Life is always trying to love us, but we need to be open if we are to see it. Fear shows us one world; and love shows us another world. We decide which world is real. And we decide which world we want to live in. Louise Hay
Life wants you to have peace of mind, inner joy, confidence, and an abundance of self-worth and self-love. Louise Hay
Love erases even the deepest and most painful memories because love goes deeper than anything else. Louise Hay
Loving others is easy when you love and accept yourself. Louise Hay
Magnetizing things to ourselves is a natural process, but what are we magnetizing towards ourselves, is what we’re giving out. Louise Hay
American writer
October 8th, 1926 - August 30th, 2017