A journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step. Laozi View this quote
Also know as Lao Tzu
Embrace simplicity. Put others first. Desire little. Laozi
Empty your mind of all thoughts. Laozi
From caring comes courage. Laozi
Give evil nothing to oppose and it will disappear by itself. Laozi
Great talents mature slowly. Laozi
He who knows does not speak. He who speaks does not know. Laozi
He who treasures his body as much as the world can care for the world. Laozi
If good happens, good; if bad happens, good. Laozi
If you don’t stand sincere by your words how sincere can the people be? Take great care over words, treasure them. Laozi
If you show yourself, you will not be seen. If you affirm yourself, you will not shine. If you boast, you will have no merit. If you promote yourself, you will have no success. Laozi
Chinese philosopher
604 - 531BC