Knowing where you are going is the first step to getting there. Ken Blanchard View this quote
Success is not forever and failure isn’t fatal. Ken Blanchard
Ken Blanchard
All good performance starts with clear goals. Ken Blanchard
Before something can become a habit it must first be practiced as a discipline. Ken Blanchard
Don’t just say you’ll try. Get out there and do it! Ken Blanchard
Focus on becoming who you want to be. Dreams come true when you create a clear vision and then take action. Ken Blanchard
If you have any problems, be grateful because they will make you stronger. Remember that misery is a choice. Ken Blanchard
If you want to know why your people are not performing well, step up to the mirror and take a peek. Ken Blanchard
Knowing where you are going is the first step to getting there. Ken Blanchard
Trying is just a noisy way of not doing something. Ken Blanchard
Your game is only as good as your practice. Ken Blanchard
American business writer
May 6th, 1939