Thoughts become things. Kai Greene View this quote
Bodybuilding is my craft and because it is my craft it dictates how I live. Because it dictates how I live it’s not just what I do in the gym but it’s also an accepted lifestyle. Kai Greene
Kai Greene
I do believe in high, high intensity. I don’t believe that there’s anytime while I’m on the floor that I should be sitting down catching my breath; that doesn’t make sense. There’s plenty of time to rest when I’m done. Kai Greene
I don’t really believe in cardio. I train with a very high intensity, which in turn gives it an aerobic effect. I like to use anaerobic resistance type movements or exercises. I don’t believe in sitting on a Stairmaster or a bike for hours, that’s just not me. Kai Greene
I spend so much money on food, just getting the food for me is a tremendous expense, so there’s no way I could even think about paying for supplements. I think of all supplements as food derivative anyway, so If I can only choose between getting the food or the supplements I’d rather opt for the food. Kai Greene
I think your posing and your onstage presentation is yet another piece of the craft. So anytime you get onstage to show the muscles and show the finished work, that should be looked at with the same kind of respect and appreciation. I’m glad everybody else appreciates it, but I still want to get better. Kai Greene
I try to think of myself as a struggling competitor or specialist at my craft, much like a singer, dancer, comedian, or actor. So I’m struggling to do my craft and I’m continually trying to learn to do it better. I think that’s what’s really been my secret. Kai Greene
I’ve found my true calling in life, and I’m living life on my terms. Kai Greene
I’ve never competed in powerlifting. But my goals weren’t to be a powerlifter. My goals were to pack on size and get big, big, big. Kai Greene
If I have to die tonight, if this weight is going to kill me tonight,so be it! I am dying where I wanna be. Kai Greene
In the beginning it wasn’t bodybuilding competition that motivated me, it was just getting muscles and getting big. And certainly it has evolved for me since then. I think I’m still evolving. Kai Greene
American bodybuilder
July 12th, 1975