Thoughts become things. Kai Greene View this quote
Overcome the obstacles, tackle your fears and you will notice that with every step forward becomes limitless. Establish dominance and work for what’s yours! Kai Greene
Kai Greene
The creation of a body of work is the reflection of your life. Knowing patience, persistence and consistency is the path to victory. If you find yourself with a short coming or one part of your life over powers another, you adjust. Kai Greene
The greatest gift you can give someone is the space to be his or herself, without the threat of you leaving. Kai Greene
They can crack jokes. They can sit back and analyze and criticize and make all the fun they want. But I’m living my life, I’m doing it. What are you doing? Kai Greene
This ‘absence of body’ comes from the absence of mind. Your mind must be intact. You must be focused. You have to be willing to push yourself to a different place. A place that requires devotion and sacrifice, allowing the body to perform at a much higher level. Kai Greene
To identify oneself as a bodybuilder is to identify as a thinking being. The body becomes a physical manifestation of your thoughts. Your power is not your body. Your power is your mind. Kai Greene
We look at back on all the days that we were seeking knowledge along with the inevitably evolutionary process that transcended who and where we are today. Certainly things and settings change, but I’m still evolving in life. Kai Greene
What we want to focus on the most is using what we have available in our vicinity to create the possibility for a positive outcome. So rather than try to tell people how to think or what they should read about, I’d encourage them to invest in their vision! Kai Greene
When we choose to be powerful, we see our strengths magnify, our visions more clear, and our fears become a figment of the imagination. Together we can become stronger, our voices louder, and the combined synergy becomes our reality. Kai Greene
Bodybuilding is an art, your body is the canvas, weights are your brush and nutrition is your paint. We all have the ability to turn a self portrait into a masterpiece. Kai Greene
American bodybuilder
July 12th, 1975