Every thought is a cause, and every condition is an effect. Joseph Murphy View this quote
The truth is you can acquire any quality you want by acting as though you already have it. Joseph Murphy
Joseph Murphy
The way to get rid of darkness is with light; the way to overcome cold is with heat; the way to overcome the negative thought is to substitute the good thought. Affirm the good, and the bad will vanish. Joseph Murphy
Watch your thoughts. Every thought accepted as true is sent by your brain to your solar plexus – your abdominal brain – and is brought into your world as a reality. Joseph Murphy
You are like a captain navigating a ship. He must give the right orders, and likewise, you must give the right orders, thoughts and images to your subconscious mind which controls and governs all your experiences. Joseph Murphy
You are the only thinker in your world and your thought is creative. Whatever you think about the other person, you are also creating in your life. Joseph Murphy
You can develop the right mental attitude when you realize that nothing external can upset you or hurt you without your mental consent. Joseph Murphy
All you owe any person in the world is love, and love is wishing for everyone what you wish for yourself – health, happiness, and all the blessings of life. Joseph Murphy
Always make it a special point to rejoice in the wealth of the other person. Joseph Murphy
Don’t fight your problem. Know that there is a solution. Joseph Murphy
Fear is a negative thought in your mind. Supplant it with a constructive thought. Fear has killed millions. Confidence is greater than fear. Nothing is more powerful than faith is God and the good. Joseph Murphy
American writer
May 20th, 1898 - December 16th, 1981