The pain of regret far outweighs the pain of discipline. John Frederick Demartini View this quote
Make a commitment that before you go to bed tonight, you’ll take another action step toward your dream tomorrow. John Frederick Demartini
John Frederick Demartini
The moment you value you, the world will value you. John Frederick Demartini
The pain of regret far outweighs the pain of discipline. John Frederick Demartini
The quality of our life and vision for life is based upon the quality of the questions we ask ourselves. John Frederick Demartini
The world is fair. You receive what you give. John Frederick Demartini
Until you value yourself, you can’t expect anyone else to do so. John Frederick Demartini
When you take your mind off your focus, all you see are obstacles. John Frederick Demartini
Write down your dreams, because by that very act you start to think about them. The more you think about them, the more you materialize them. John Frederick Demartini
You might fall, maybe even several times, but you have the choice to always get back up again. John Frederick Demartini
Achieve your dreams by listening to your intuition. John Frederick Demartini
American self-help writer
November 25th, 1954