There’s a direct correlation between positive energy and positive results. Joe Rogan View this quote
The time you spend hating on someone robs you of your own time. You are literally hating on yourself and you don’t even realize it. Joe Rogan
Joe Rogan
The Universe rewards calculated risk and passion. Joe Rogan
To really appreciate life you got to know you’re going to die. Joe Rogan
Aspire to be the man you pretend to be when you’re trying to get laid. Joe Rogan
Being a celebrity or anything else where you’re really ambitious, it’s really a game to see how successful you can get. Joe Rogan
By putting yourself in that intense form of stress, it makes regular life more peaceful. Joe Rogan
I always try to look at conflicts from as many different angles as is humanly possible, and in a lot of ways there is no one answer. Joe Rogan
I had a sense of who I was before I got famous. Joe Rogan
I think it would do a lot of people good just to realize how vulnerable they are. Joe Rogan
I want to make sure that everything that I’m creating, I’m creating it so other people get enjoyment out of it. And that’s the reward that you get for that. Joe Rogan
American martial artist and comedian
August 11th, 1967