Prepare to win, or lose to someone who is. Jeffrey Gitomer View this quote
A referral is the easiest sale to make. Jeffrey Gitomer
Jeffrey Gitomer
Accepting responsibility is the fulcrum point for succeeding at anything. Jeffrey Gitomer
All things being equal, people want to do business with their friends. Jeffrey Gitomer
As a leader, you have the power to influence, and you make a choice to either influence negatively or positively. Jeffrey Gitomer
Attitude allows you to see the possibilities when opportunity strikes – because it often shows up in the form of adversity. Jeffrey Gitomer
Attitude, humor and action will whip fears and rejection. Fear of failure doesn’t exist, if you believe it doesn’t. Jeffrey Gitomer
Change is refinement. Change is growth. Change is movement. Change is opportunity. Jeffrey Gitomer
Create a friendly atmosphere on the inside and outside. Live Friendly. Be a friendly person on the inside. Have the attitude it takes to be smiling internally first. Jeffrey Gitomer
Create a story of wow that will be retold. Jeffrey Gitomer
Customer satisfaction is worthless. Customer loyalty is priceless. Jeffrey Gitomer
American writer
February 11th, 1946