Everything that happens in your future is a direct result of what you do today. James Altucher View this quote
The more grateful you are, the more you attract things to be grateful for. James Altucher
James Altucher
The only thing you have control over is your mindset, your habits, and the choices you make internally about how you’re going to deal with a situation. James Altucher
This is a cliche, but never listen to anyone who says ‘You can’t do that’. Those are usually the people who can’t do it. Not you. James Altucher
True wealth occurs when you don’t have to bow down to any gatekeepers – regardless of the money involved. Money is just a by-product. You are out of prison. You are free. James Altucher
Ultimately we are the sum of our experiences and not the sum of our belongings. James Altucher
Worry will never solve tomorrow’s problems. It will only take energy away from today. James Altucher
You are the average of the 5 things you are reading today. James Altucher
40% of people who graduate college never read a book again. If you are in the remaining 60% you are 1000× ahead of everyone else. James Altucher
A leader listens to the good reason closely to try and figure out what the real reason is, and then comes up with a solution. James Altucher
Always over-promise and over-deliver. Sometimes people hate that. They want to under promise and over deliver. Don’t do that. James Altucher
American hedge fund manager, entrepreneur, and author
January 23rd, 1968