Focus is the key to success. Jackie Chan View this quote
Sometimes I’d like to play the bad guy and sometimes I’d like to die in a movie. Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan
Sometimes you think the movie is good and BOOM! Sometimes you think it’s no good. BAAM! The movie business is a big gamble. You never know. Jackie Chan
We have to do what we can to help wherever and whenever it is possible for us to help. Jackie Chan
We learn martial arts as helping weakness. You never fight for people to get hurt. You’re always helping people. Jackie Chan
We live now in a global village and we are in one single family. It’s our responsibility to bring friendship and love from all different places around the world and to live together in peace. Jackie Chan
When I give somebody something and see their face, it just makes me so happy. Jackie Chan
When I got depressed, I watched Bruce Lee movies. I learned everything from Bruce Lee. Jackie Chan
When I look at young kids today I just don’t believe it, parents take away the Gameboy and they’re suicidal. They cannot take the pressure. Jackie Chan
Hong Kong actor and martial artist
April 7th, 1954