Focus is the key to success. Jackie Chan View this quote
I’ve seen too many ups and downs in the movie industry. Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan
If there really is a god, then he really looks after me. Jackie Chan
In the real world, children love me. Jackie Chan
Kung fu lives in everything we do. It lives in how we put on a jacket and how we take off a jacket. It lives in how we treat people. Everything is kung fu. Jackie Chan
More understand China, then more people will have interest in China and more people will come to China to visit us because I am a tourist ambassador. Jackie Chan
Most of the time, I’m not even working; I’m just helping people, because I feel that I am too lucky. Jackie Chan
My dream is to continue filming until my body tells me to stop. Jackie Chan
My schedule goes: wake up, running, exercise, downstairs, running shoes off, then to the shower. That’s the Jackie Chan diary. Jackie Chan
Now I am older, I understand we have to accept who we are. Jackie Chan
One thing I did pick up from Cannonball Run was the use of bloopers and outtakes under the final credits, which I’ve done in all my movies since. Jackie Chan
Hong Kong actor and martial artist
April 7th, 1954