Excellence does not require perfection. Henry James View this quote
Americans will eat garbage provided you sprinkle it liberally with ketchup. Henry James
Henry James
An Englishman’s never so natural as when he’s holding his tongue. Henry James
Anger does not last, that way, for years. But there are other things. Impressions last, when they have been strong. Henry James
Art derives a considerable part of its beneficial exercise from flying in the face of presumptions. Henry James
Art is a point of view, and a genius way of looking at things. Henry James
Art requires, above all things, a suppression of self, a subordination of one’s self to an idea. Henry James
Art without life is a poor affair. Henry James
Be one on whom nothing is lost. Henry James
But if we may perish by cracks in things that we don’t know. Henry James
Criticism talks a good deal of nonsense, but even its nonsense is a useful force. It keeps the question of art before the world, insists upon its importance. Henry James
American novelist, short story author, and literary critic
April 15th, 1843 - February 28th, 1916