Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the mastery of it. Harvey Mackay View this quote
Leadership does not mean getting people to do their job. It means getting people to do their best. Harvey Mackay
Harvey Mackay
Learn from the past, but don’t live there. Build on what you know so that you don’t repeat mistakes. Harvey Mackay
Life is series of opportunities. The often neglected fact of life is that opportunities multiply as you take advantage of them. Harvey Mackay
Many successful people are no more talented than unsuccessful people. The difference between them lies in the old axiom that successful people do those things that unsuccessful people don’t like to do. Harvey Mackay
Most business problems can be solved if you can teach yourself to look beyond the dollar sign. Harvey Mackay
Never give an ultimatum unless you mean it. Harvey Mackay
One mistake will never kill you. The same mistake over and over again will. Harvey Mackay
People do not live by bread alone. They need buttering up once in awhile. Harvey Mackay
Positive thinking is more than just a tagline. It changes the way we behave. And I firmly believe that when I am positive, it not only makes me better, but it also makes those around me better. Harvey Mackay
Relationships are precious: They take time to develop and are worth every minute you invest in them. Harvey Mackay
American businessman and journalist
January 1st, 1932