Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for ’tis better to be alone than in bad company. George Washington View this quote
Three things prompt men to a regular discharge of their duty in time of action: natural bravery, hope of reward, and fear of punishment. George Washington
George Washington
To acknowledge the receipt of letters is always proper, to remove doubts of their miscarriage. George Washington
To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace. George Washington
To contract new debts is not the way to pay old ones. George Washington
To form a new Government, requires infinite care, and unbounded attention; for if the foundation is badly laid the superstructure must be bad. George Washington
To rectify past blunders is impossible, but we might profit by the experience of them. George Washington
Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains to bring it to light. George Washington
We must take care always to keep ourselves, by suitable establishments, in a respectable defensive posture. George Washington
When a man does all he can, though it succeeds not well, blame not him that did it. George Washington
While just government protects all in their religious rites, true religion affords government its surest support. George Washington
First President of the United States
February 22nd, 1732 - December 14th, 1799